
This is mostly automatic; after each removal or addition, the lists are saved to localstorage.

Backup Reminders





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TaskBurner: Super Simple Clientside-only Task Management. This is a completely client-side offline HTML5 application. No servers, no "cloud", no datamining. All local, all yours. This also means your list is only available to you on the device that you created the list on. There are some local list data export and import options, however.

Usage Documentation


Please note that the Complete Obliterative Reset is IRREVERSIBLE!

Time Tracking

This will only apply to top task. It is supposed to be your "active" task.
  1. learn how to use the TaskBurner interface
  2. fill the TaskBurner with tasks, wonderful tasks

Time for a backup?

v0.7.3 - © 2015 Dominiumentis Consulting

Usage Guide

There are just two lists: the Front Burner and the Back Burner. The Front Burner is meant for items that need to be completed without delay. (other than another item that is also of a "not later" class, but slightly greater priority). There is no dependency graph or semantic tagging. The Back Burner is for stuff you defintely want to do or need to do, but it just isn't important enough to get priority right now, or has dependencies that are not satisfied and have no reliable estimated time to completion. Should there be a Side Burner? Maybe, but what would that be? Tasks that are coming up soon and do have an ETC? Things that would have ticklers/reminders attached? Let me know what you think.

The default addition method is to append to the end. Just hit the Enter key or the append button (on the right-hand side of the input box). You can insert at the top of the list as well by pressing SHIFT+Enter or by pressing the insert button (on the left-hand side of the input box).

Removing items is kind of like "crossing it off the list": just swipe through (or perform a click and drag, horizontally, if using a mouse) through the item you want to remove. If you swipe left-to-right the item is deleted. If you swipe right-to-left the item is removed from the list and placed back into the input box. Now you can modify or insert at the top (or just reappend).

Demoting an item from the Front Burner to the Back Burner is achieved by pressing and holding on an item (without swiping). Promoting from Back Burner up to the Front Burner is done in the same way.

Time tracking is pretty minimal. You can just ignore it if you just need a task list. Deadlines are planned for a future release. They should be unobtrusive unless you are about to bust one.

Versioning is mostly automatic. After each removal or addition, the lists are saved to localstorage. You may wish to perform an export once in a while though! A real backup is separated from the data writer. You have one level of undo available to you, but note that the obliterative Reset is meant to wipe everything clean including the backups, so Undo will not be effective in that case.

Configuration and a few auxilliary options such as export is available from the control panel revealed by clicking on the logo on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

Tip: there isn't re-ordering per se, but if a few items have taken particular importance, just back-swipe them and insert-at-top. Presto: they are now displayed as On the Top of the Front Burner.

Tip: the back-swipe (right-to-left) actually appends to whatever is already in the input box. Thus, you can combine or concatenate items by back-swiping them in succession, then adding the combined input back to the FronBurner.

Tip: there is no in situ item text editing. But if you need to update, add to, correct, or otherwise edit an item, perform the back-swipe (right-to-left) and then make your edits in the input box and re-add to the Front Burner.

Tip: since HTML5 localStorage partitions and isolates based on the exact domain or origin as typed into the address bar, you must make sure to type in the exact servername (FQDN or bare hostname or IP address or alias or whatever) to get back to the same list. On the other hand you can use this as a multiple-lists hack, too. E.g., if you had a website at "", you could create DNS aliases "" and "". Then you would have separate lists for work and personal life, all on the same device. Actually you would have a third at "", which you could use to demo TaskBurner to other people. ;)

Back to the Front Burner
v0.7.3 - © 2015 Dominiumentis Consulting